Prima gură de aer din viața unui om este un adevărat miracol, spun specialiștii în neonatologie. Este încă un mister rezistența bebelușului la forțele implicate în prima respirație. Totodată, este considerată și cea mai grea clipă din viața unui om, cea care-i decide viața sau moartea.
The main idea of the text is that the first breath a human takes upon birth is a remarkable and potentially life-threatening miracle.
Although seemingly simple, this initial act of respiration is actually a complex and powerful effort for a newborn.
They must overcome the challenge of expelling fluid from their lungs and allowing oxygen to enter their system, a feat that would be too forceful for an adult's lungs. This transition is described as a "minune" (miracle) by doctors, highlighting its vital role in a baby's survival.
The main idea of the text is that the first breath a human takes upon birth is a remarkable and potentially life-threatening miracle. Although seemingly simple, this initial act of respiration is actually a complex and powerful effort for a newborn. They must overcome the challenge of expelling fluid from their lungs and allowing oxygen to enter their system, a feat that would be too forceful for an adult's lungs. This transition is described as a "minune" (miracle) by doctors, highlighting its vital role in a baby's survival.